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How To Guarantee You Acheive Your Goals

How To Guarantee You Acheive Your Goals

August 09, 20233 min read

Did you know that less than 9% of New Years Resolutions are successfully achieved?

So, if like 9/10 people and you failed your New Years Resolution, then you will find extraordinary value in what we are about to share with you.

New Years Resolution are simply goals that we create for ourselves. And like most things in life, goals need structure and direction.

Over the next few weeks, we will provide you with the exact structure and formula we use for our athletes (from grassroots to the international stage) so that so that you can finish the year strong.

Initially, we must start with the end in mind. Let's look at our first two types of goals.


Outcome Goals:

Outcome goals are centered around specific outcomes or end results that individuals want to achieve. These goals focus on the final destination, the desired outcome, or the end-state. These goals are usually more general and may not directly specify the actions needed to attain them. Outcome goals provide a clear target or vision of what a person wants to accomplish.


For example: Winning a championship, achieving a certain GPA, deadlifting 100kg, or losing a specific amount of weight are examples of outcome goals.


  • Results-oriented: The main focus is on the final outcome or result.

  • Motivating: Outcome goals can provide a short term sense of direction and purpose.

  • Less control over outcomes: While you can influence the outcome through your actions, external factors may also play a significant role in determining the result.

  • May require intermediate steps: Achieving outcome goals often involves breaking them down into smaller behavior goals to work towards the desired outcome effectively.

Behavior Goals: 

Behavior goals, or Process Goals are focused on the specific actions, behaviors, or processes that need to be performed to reach a desired outcome. These goals emphasise the actions taken rather than the end result. Behavior goals are more specific, measurable, and controllable, allowing individuals to track their progress more effectively.

For example: Setting a behavior goal of exercising for 30 minutes five days a week, or reading a certain number of pages each day to complete a book.


  • Action-oriented: The primary focus is on the actions or behaviors required to achieve the goal.

  • Controllable: Behavior goals are within your control and can be directly influenced by your efforts.

  • Incremental progress: Achieving behavior goals leads to steady progress towards the desired outcome.

  • May lead to intrinsic motivation: Meeting behavior goals can create a sense of accomplishment and intrinsic motivation to continue working towards the outcome.

In summary, outcome goals emphasis the final results, while behavior goals concentrate on the specific actions needed to achieve those outcomes. Both types of goals have their place in goal setting and can complement each other. Behavior goals provide the stepping stones towards achieving the desired outcomes outlined in the outcome goals. By setting specific behavior goals, individuals can break down larger objectives into manageable tasks and maintain focus and motivation along the way.

Want some homework? Try your own mini-goal setting. Write down two examples of behaviour goals and one example of an outcome goal. Ideally, the two behaviour goals should lead into the desired outcome goal.

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